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I thought...and I was wrong.?

What did you thought that you were wrong about? Tell your story.

I'll go 1st as an example,

I thought living in UK gives you an edge of English and worldly matters...

Oh boy, was I proved wrong today.

And it had to be the day when I am on sick leave because of a bloody centipede...

I actually planned to spend this very evening to learn more about my new toy(an art program)...

But a certain YAsker decided to send me a bunch of messages and since I thought I could tell him about some justice, I thought 'okay'.

Unfortunately, it ended badly as I see that not only this person was illiterate in English...his world views was suspiciously like a Bee End member...(the part of how China is good and everything and how we should emulate them...) although he did say that he lived in UK.

And I spend like 2 precious hours on him.

I was wrong about living in UK. Its not a remedy for stupidity.

3 Answers

  • Fruity
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    2 hours and all you got was just a Bee End member, gee that's a real waste of time.

    I was proved wrong today when I read through a YA question saying how proud being a Malaysian.

    Good heaven what's up in their mind. I was away for many years and went back for 2 years,can't take the nonsense and left. It was terrifying living in a country that you will get mob or killed for just a few bucks. Happened to so many people around me. Just didn't want to be the next victim. Lucky me I left for almost a year now. Never regretted a single day.

  • bundy
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I left 23 YEARS ago, and never look back. Some people there take YOUR money very seriously.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    you're wrong

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