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Masterchef Malaysia...1st episode?

Just saw the 1st episode...

I *had* hope that it wouldn't be too bad but it exceeded my expectations of being terrrible beyond my imagination!

1st round, Cutting Onions in a normal small way.


...Every single contestant was slow and some cut their fingers...

Next round, a chance for those who failed the 1st round to 'still 'be in the competition.

It looks okay just lacking in luster in how they arrange their food.

Looking at the how Masterchef Malaysia is...

Do these people really want to become professional chefs or were they just thinking of riding along like so many tone-deaf people on American Idol?

What do you guys/girls think of the Masterchef Malaysia?

See the next episode or pass it?

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I can't believe Malaysia gonna have its very own Masterchef…yay! . i haven't seen the first but i would like to!

  • 10 years ago

    what did you expect? some professionals? .. they copied Americal Idol, Dancing with Stars, Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants to be a Millionaire etc .. its all copy & paste..

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