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Lv 5
? asked in Education & ReferenceFinancial Aid · 10 years ago

What happened to my student loan?

Last October, I left school prematurely for personal reasons. Before leaving, I accepted a Stafford Loan to help cover Tuition, housing, etc. Because I left school early, tuition was greatly reduced, and I paid the entire balance out-of-pocket. Now, the student loan company calls everyday, demanding payment for a loan I never received or benefited from whatsoever. The loan was never received by the school, and was not used to pay off any tuition debt because I paid it out-of-pocket. What should I do about this situation? It seems unfair that I should be required to pay back money I never received or was never used by the school.

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    What should have happened when you formally withdrew from school was that your financial aid was returned to its sources, and you owed the tuition to the school. It sounds like that did happen, as you did owe a balance to your school, which you paid. So your first step is to talk to your old school's financial aid and bursar's offices and find out what happened on their end. Get documentation of everything. Write down the names/dates of people you speak with. Ideally, go to the school in person.

    Then, if you find out that the school did return the funds to the lender, and you now have documentation of that, contact the lender.

  • 하하
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Call your school's financial aid office and verify whether your loan actually got to the school or not. You will need to talk to the lender about this though. Not paying it, whether you think you owe it or not, will DESTROY your credit and your life. Step 1 is call your school. Step 2 is call your lender.

  • boos
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    they would be there, waiting Mwaaaa haaa haaa haaa (cue ominous thunder)! heavily nevertheless, you ought to ask your loan provider what the suited thank you to proceed money from distant places. as quickly as I went to England for 2 years on a working trip visa, i became waiting to easily mail very own cheques (in kilos sterling) decrease back to my financial business enterprise account in Canada and my loans have been immediately deducted from there.

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