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I need a fun RPG for PC?
Since I've played almost every good RPG for the PC, I need some suggestions on what else to play. I don't have a console, nor do I plan on owning one. Please don't include MMOs or First Person Shooters, as I find these types of games incredibly boring.
Games I've played and enjoyed:
*Knights of the Old Republic I & II
*Vampire:The Masquerade - Bloodlines
*TES IV Oblivion
*Dragon Ages: Origins and Dragon Age II
*Fable The Lost Chapters and Fable III
Games I've played and didn't enjoy:
*The Witcher
*The Witcher 2
*Jade Empire
*Beyond Good and Evil
*Mass Effect I and II
*Fallout III
Thanks in advance!
5 Answers
- Anonymous10 years agoFavourite answer
just wait for skyrim and diablo III you already played all the good ones
- ?Lv 510 years ago
I think you have them all covered, lol, every game I would suggest is there.
Also, you really didnt like Mass Effect 2? I thought it was great and the games you listed as like are the same as mine. Also, Witcher games suck, don't know why they get so much hype.
The only other game I can think of is.....well I can't really think of any...sorry, it is too bad Fable 2 wasnt out for PC, it is the best Fable game by far.
Source(s): I make gaming videos some people seem to like and answer gaming/computer questions - 10 years ago
Hmm i would suggest some games such as Two Worlds, Morrowind (because you liked Oblivion),
I'm not quite sure if you could find this next game but if you can i would suggest trying it out,
Baulder's Gate 2 : Shadow of Amn
Hope I helped somewhat lol
Source(s): Me - Anonymous10 years ago
Try Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Its a great game and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is coming out soon.