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Asian Film Fans -- What Movie is This From?
I saw this gif online recently and can't seem to find what film it's from. Any help?
Well, I managed to find the answer on my own. It's from a 2006 film called Memories of Matsuko.
Arotino -- I'll give you ten points for offering a suggestion as soon as this thing lets me select a best answer. :)
3 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
I think it might be a Stephen Chow film but I can't be sure.
- ?Lv 44 years ago
i like each and all of the 80s Hong Kong John Woo joints with Chow Yun-fats: The Killer a extra constructive the next day I & II complicated Boiled additionally the Stephen Chow comedies: King Fu Hustle Shaolin soccer and oftentimes something with Jet Li although specifically: as quickly as Upon A Time In China Fist Of Legend Fearless
- -Lv 61 decade ago
This is by far the weirdest thing I've seen in my life. I regret seeing it.
But I really don't know.
Answer this question pls:;_ylt=AsVkW...
It’s about the colour of Y!A.