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What are these ingredients?

What is Endomame aka Red Endo beans?

Used in Fruit Anmitsu

And Hon-mirin and Mirin...what is the difference?

Used in gyudon (Hon-mirin).

Used in hamburger (Mirin).

Please help!


I thought it might be azuki but it kinda looks more round, don't you think?

And azuki has a more brighter red.

Video showing it at 5:06.

Sorry I should be more clear... :(

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Endomame means (green) pea and the ones used in Anmitsu are called Aka Endomame (red pea). You are right, they are different from azuki.

    Mirin is a general term for the sweet sake used only for cooking. If its made only from traditional ingredients, it's classified as hon mirin (true mirin). If it contains additives or if it does not contain alcohol, it's just mirin or mirin-like flavoring.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah..., now I remembered!

    that's aka-endou (red pea?) usually used with azuki in the desert.

    it's a little crunchier than azuki


    those are azuki beans.

    you can easily find them at grocery store (Asian)

    hon-mirin should contain "shouchu" (alcohol beween 13.5 and14.5%)

    mirin: doesn't contain alcohol and if compared to hon-mirin, you could say "fake"

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