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pura_rosa asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

Found a baby squirrel!?

Hi guys, this morning my husband and son found a young (maybe baby) squirrel, it came to them and sat on my husband's boot, they fed it donuts and it ate quite a lot, it was just starving!,they waited to see if the mom squirrel would come get it but two hours later no mom anywhere so they brought it home, I was going to call a wildlife rehabilitator but can't find any in central Florida also I believe this is not a regular squirrel but someones pet, it is way too comfortable with people plus when my youngest placed a blanket in her box she just snuggled up and when to sleep, is this common? Any advice on what to do with the poor little thing?

P.S: Just letting her go is not an option as very large hawks roam around our house (We live near the woods) and she wouldn't last ten minutes.

3 Answers

  • Slug
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    this does sound like a very tame squirrel that may have been dumped by someone, even baby squirrels will not allow itself to be handled by a human unless they are tame. Your right you cant let it go because it is not likely to survive and because it is eating solid food would also mean that it is weaned from the mother.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is a list of Wildlife Rehabilitation centres (scroll down for Florida):

    If you want to try raising her yourself, there's quite a bit of information about doing so on the internet. Here's a forum with a lot of information:

    and you can ask the members there for any information on caring for her, and to help you find a good wildlife centre if you wish. I bet she'll be hard work if you do decide to raise her, I have a pet chinchilla and he reminds me of a squirrel at times, bouncing off the walls and being incredibly energetic. :D

    I don't think she would stand a chance outside, so I'm with you, I wouldn't let her go at the moment either. Good luck with her, I hope she's Ok!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my friends family found five and kept them until they grew then let them go, its pretty awesome in my opinion, so hey, give it a shot, if there were hawks around my place i wouldnt let a baby out either. BUTT, if a wild animal seems too friendly its a sign of rabies, but you never know. try to get it checked out somehow, and maybe it could bring some family bonding :)

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