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The language of flowers: Serissa 'SnowRose' aka Cherry Sage?

From this website it says 'Burning Love' in the language of flowers.

Its the pale pink flower. I've read that its a common bonsai in Japan but hardly anything on the language of flowers. I just want to know if this is correct.

And what about Aeschynanthus aka 'Lipstick plant'?


Argh, I remembered that Lipstick plant is tropical, so skip that.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Serissa = Hakuchouge (ハクチョウゲ; 白丁花)

    Language of flowers = Pure Love (純愛)

    Cherry Sage (チェリーセージ)

    Language of flowers = Burning Love (燃ゆる思い)

    Lipstick Plant = Hanatsurugusa (ハナツルグサ; 花蔓草)

    Language of flowers = Calf Love (淡い恋心)

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