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anyone buying F1 2010 on xbox?

Hi just wondering if anyone is buying F1 2010 on xbox in australia, my mates and I are try to get together a group of mature racers to have championship fights online. If you intend to buy the game and want some serious racing fun send me a friend request.

Gamertag: ualldierealgood

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Be sure I will be the first one to get hold of this game in Singapore

  • Not at £40. I'lll buy it after xmas when it comes down in price.

    Who ever thumbs me down needs there head red. What's wrong with my answer. Were not all rich.

  • 1 decade ago

    im defiantly buying it, not in austrailia though, im in uk :(

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