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Homework Tips (Looking for Good Website(s) )?

I need to do a report that's due 9/15. We're to pick a culture and write a paper. I chose to do mine on Greece (because Hippocrates was Greek and a lot of medical terminology has its roots in the Greek language). This is for a health care class.

A couple things I need to put in my report are:

1) What unique features would have an impact on communication?

2) What unique features would have an impact on the delivery of health care?

Can anyone advise me on a few good websites to go to? If you know of any good books, that would help to.


3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What hairstyle suits your personality? Looking at you, I think you look like a imaginative person but maybe a bit of a rebel inside, like me. I would get straight across bangs and cut your hair just below the shoulders. Wow, looking at you, you look exactly like me! Same hair color and curls at the bottom..weird. Maybe wear darker eyeliner but not too much, and straighten your hair once and awhile. I think that would really change your look and make it more fresh and new. Also, I think a lip piercing would look really good on you, but a lot of people don't like lip piercings, so it's just a suggestion. Good luck with your new look!

  • Tony h
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not very clear. Please elaborate/

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