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Looking for Rustic looking Neighborhoods and etc.?

I'm looking for some old neighborhoods with feelings of old or nostalgia.

Recently I came across some old looking buildings (that's really charming) so I was wondering if they are more places like that.

This is so I can take pictures and then draw it in ink.

It doesn't really matter if there's a house that's abandoned or people living in the houses.

Even some shops would be nice.

And if there are any destroyed buildings too, that would be so cool!

I could only take it from afar so if there's any buildings I can take the shots from?

Oh yes, more importantly...

I'm somewhere in Selangor, so the locations can't be too far.

Oh and don't worry, I'll be taking the shots in a car.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    try driving thru Tanjong Karang, you will see many village and old houses, some abandoned, some near the paddy fields..

  • 1 decade ago

    My neighbor too loud laa

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