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Attachments in Yahoo Mail blocked?

Most attachments people send me I can open, but sometimes they come blocked, with a message

"Blocked by Parental Controls

This email contains an attachment that has been blocked.

Please ask your parent for permission to receive message attachments."

My correct age is in my account information. I have never set "Parental Controls", I can't even find it to fix it.

Anyone know how to undo this?


It doesn't even show me the file name or extension. One I know was an .xls file.

Update 2:

It appears that yahoo is now responding to the default settings on Windows as they came with my computer, but I can't figure out how to access them.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Make sure the file extension is allowed by Yahoo!, since I remember Google used to have restrictions for .exe files... Go to the options or try Yahoo! Mail FAQ. I have Yahoo! Small Business and they answer quickly to me, so if you are paying for a service, you will have VIP technical support.

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