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How To Fix A Crack Of A Porcelain Cup?

I ordered a porcelain cup online and well, it seems the seller didn't notice about the crack (even with pictures you can't see it and yes it wasn't the packaging fault)

The crack is at the handle where it joins...

Which glue do I use?

I keep running into names of American brands not sold here when researching...

And if I use the glue, its not toxic, right?

If I don't want my hands to be sticky and do a smooth job what do I use?

Or is there a shop that repairs porcelain objects?

'Cause I keep seeing shops that sells porcelain objects but don't repair 'em... :(

And no, I don't wanna return it.

Shipping is expensive and its the last of its kind (as in type of cup) available.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Gam kanji 30 sen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you heard of Loctite? Its the super glue that glues the world together.

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