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Who expects Miley Cyrus to get worse when she turns 18?

She makes me glad I don't have kids. I hate to even think I could have a kid that looked up to her. I don't see it getting any better once she turns 18. Not that her dad is doing anything to stop her from looking like a skank now.


I was just watching Jump Start on VH1 and saw her video to Can't be Tamed. Yuck.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    she will probably be seen naked when she turns 18.downstairs or upstairs

  • 1 decade ago

    That seems very true, it doesn't seem her dad cares if she looks like a stripper.

    Most of her videos are getting worse. At first, her videos were all about getting the perfect guy, and about being in movies. But now, she's talking about how she can't be tamed, and that she's gonna be free, and stuff like that.

    I sware in all her new videos, shes looking more and more like a stripper. She said he isn't going to mess up her life with drugs and alcohol, but that doesn't mean anything. She says that BEFORE she's 18, not after. I could see her at bars and clubs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont think theres anything wrong with her. Ive seen alot worse. Id be more worried about kids looking up to Lady gaga with that new alejandro gay nazi video (Even though I love her).

    Mileys growing up and cant be a role model forever. she wasnt born to be a perfect example of a human being. Can you imagine her life and the pressure? and having horrible things being said all over the world by people who dont even know her? like you no offence.

    disney just need to find a young replacement so the teens can have Miley and the kids can have someone else.

  • 1 decade ago

    She's from WORSE TO SLUTTY!

    She's trying to tell us all she won't do drugs and drink! That's bull man! I bet her 18 theme is SLUTTY STYLE!

    About she being true to herself and wearing shorts is nothing wrong....Well is nothing wrong but she has a PUBLIC IMAGE to keep up and what she do? Dress and dance provocatively, and blamed all her backfired on the media and paparazzi! How Miley is that!

    Source(s): PS: We haters/dislike Miley aren't JEALOUS of her we just can't stand her on the news and spreading her virus around!
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    no longer something sturdy. for my section, all her songs so some distance are crap. I only watched that new track cant be tamed and laughed lots. I recommend... who dances around in a nest? So definitely no sturdy track sooner or later. possibly she'll act in video clips. in all probability.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate how she's still on disney channel, but outside of that she's just a slut. Kids do look up to her, and i hate that she's ignoring that. I can understand that she wants to leave disney, but i don't understand why she wants to leave all her fans behind. So yeah she'll get worse

  • Oh yeah. Much worse. She's at "skank" now so let's see her go full blown slutt then the slide into the abyss completely. That new vid of hers is so gross, for sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i do.

    she clicked half nu^e photos of herself when she was 14 and 15,she dates guys older to her,wore and still wears b^^b shwing dresses,she gave her producer a lap dance when she was 16. iexpect her to make a s^x tape when she turns 18.her daddy is interested only in the $$ she brings home.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think it's possible for her to get any worse than she already is...

    Gosh, you scared me now. I need this question out of my head, I can picture what she'll do...


  • 1 decade ago

    She's 17. People need to calm down. She's growing up. Just be happy she wasn't a 15 year old teen mom.

  • 1 decade ago

    who cares when she is 18 she wil be an adult and no matter what she have an audience for whatever she does i saw the that video and i was wondering what happened to the country music thing

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