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Evil person or evil ghost - which you rather be in with?

Just for fun, besides this question will help you prepare in advance for anything like this if it does happen to you!

Imagine 2 rooms, one evil male/female, and one evil male/female ghost (if you can see and tell).

You have no choice but to sleep in one of the 2 rooms (no you cannot sleep outside, that's not an option)

Which room you'll be in then?

And what's your zodiac sign?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I would say evil person cuz I can manipulate others.

    I would say I definitely would be evil ghost cuz I can wear multi- costumes, steals the husband and guys on their fantasy dreams while he is sleeping.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this question is hard choice when you are not an evil person at all.

    If I didnt have a choice then I would rather be in a same room with an evil person, because its more of a physical issue and I may have to become an evil person as well so as well as I fear this person this person will fear me.

    I would not choose a ghost because a ghost can enter in your mind and soul if you dont have control over it and its not pretty.

  • If assuming the evil ghost has no super powers, just a evil ghost, I choose the evil ghost. Have enough dealing with evil people in my office everyday anyway.

    My sign is pisces.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say evil person cause if I have to defend myself I can try to hurt or kill them. A ghost on the other hand can torment you till no end. Ever seen the entity. Its about a lady (supposedly based off true facts) that was tormented and raped by a ghost in her own home. Her husband that she needed psychic help. Its creepy because in one of the scenes her husband awoke to her moaning so he lifts up the covers and sees this invisible force manipulating her breasts and he couldn't do anything about it. Rather creepy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely an evil person. I've dealt with demons before when I fall asleep and I would NEVER want to deal with that kind of entity again. You can try to pray them away but it's nowhere near easy to get rid of them. An evil person is still human and there are LOTS of ways to take care of them ;)

    Source(s): Aquarius
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will choice the one evil male/female side, then defeat him/her and tie him up, then this is how I spend the day

  • 1 decade ago

    evil male/female

    who knows what a ghost could do!

    all those supernatural things


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Satan came to me in a dream and offered me...everything. That was some scary ****.

    But id say the ghost, because ghost dont exist. It would be a demon.


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No one can really say if ghosts are real for sure. But I believe they are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well i will go for evil male/female, they are both evil anyway...

    Source(s): Leo-.
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