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How did "Democrats are jumping ship" become the main 2010 election story?

Retiring Democrats:

Christopher Dodd of CT - retiring because he would lose

Ted Kaufman of DE - Biden's senate seat filler, was a senator for a few months

Roland Burris of IL - Obama's senate seat filler, overall worthless douchebag

Paul Kirk of MA - Kennedy senate seat filler, never had desire to hold public office

Byron Dorgan of ND - actually retiring

Dennis Moore of KS - actually retiring

Bart Gordon of TN - actually retiring

John S. Tanner of TN - actually retiring

Brian Baird of WA - actually retiring

More incumbents are retiring from their current positions to seek other elected offices

Retiring Republicans:

George LeMieux of FL - Martinez's seat filler

Jim Bunning of KY - retiring because he would lose

Kit Bond of MO - actually retiring

Judd Gregg of NH - Announced he would seek reelection, then announced otherwise

George Voinovich of OH - actually retiring

George Radanovich of CA - actually retiring

Henry E. Brown, Jr. of SC - actually retiring

More incumbents are retiring to seek other elected offices

So looking at Republican and Democrat elected officials who are actually retiring to retire or enter the private sector they are essentially even. The list of Democrats is longer because the seat fillers appointed for Obama's, Biden's, and Kennedy's seats aren't seeking full terms.

Any thoughts?

9 Answers

  • ash
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The righties will play this for all they can, because as usual they have nothing else to hang their hats on.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Ramming this invoice down usa's throats is disgusting attempt by way of the Democrats to income the want of their Media friends and the uninformed public ... by way of pointing and claiming they handed a inventive wellbeing Care invoice that truly is bogus and could do no longer something yet tension human beings right into a device that they themselves does not decide for to take part in. The Democrats in ability stay wide awake the their Elitist ability grabbing techniques. At a time while unemployment and national debt is at an all time intense, it somewhat is organic nonsense. the government cant even run Medicare exact and we will enable them to run (smash) a million/6th of our financial device? Obama and the Democrats in Congress might desire to provide up campaigning, get the hell out of our residing rooms, paintings to place human beings returned to paintings, resolve the situation in Afghanistan and spend it sluggish in the Oval workplace for a metamorphosis,.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Voinovich is ACTUALLY RETIRING Because he knows he is toast too..he is a RINO...don't' think for one minute he is republican. HE sides with the dems on all cases..he is worthless. I live in OHIO..I KNOW THAT. He is bought off easily and has been and always will be worthless piece of crap!

    Too Bad Sutton isn't retiring..she is history too..and a DEM. WHAT A piece of work. She sends out all these phamphlets about her...where she had BOZO In them all the time...not one picture of him is in the last couple. hahahahaha SHE KNOWS....and so do all the others like her that shut off their phones and shut off emails during the health care bill DEBACLE.....they are COWARDS. Cannot face their constituency. Most of the republicans above are RINOS..they NEED TO GO..and like the dems..they have sold their souls and are history. Just like the dems RETIRING...NOPE...they know they are losing and finally said...I have had enough. DOBBS for one. ARE YOU SERIOUS? hahahahahaha NO WAY...if he thought for one second he would be there he would be staying in.

    These cowards know they will LOSE and they are choosing to go WILLINGLY...just so they can rest knowing people didn't FIRE THEM!

    THAT is the ultimate way to REWRITE HISTORY FOR THEM isn't it????

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No. Everyone retires someday. Except heros like Ted Kennedy.

  • 1 decade ago

    The retiring statists will be replaced by new statists, so it doesn't matter much which party they belong to.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm still wondering how "retiring" became "jumping ship". Did my dad "jump ship" when he retired at age 65? Did my grandfather "jump ship" from the farm when he retired?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    0bama's ship is sinking!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Contrary to what the right will tell you, our media is biased to the right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think You are right .

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