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Do parents realize that marijuana legalization would make it harder for their kids to get marijuana?

Examine the proposition at the point of sale. Who do want between your kid and a bag of weed, a store clerk with his job to lose or a criminal?

Why can't we base our drug policy on knowledge of how rational people behave in regulatory environment? Why do we keep voting for idiots who promise that if we vote for them we will have fewer responsibilities as parents? Why do we buy this garbage: We don't have to teach our kids about why it's bad to do drugs, we can just say they're illegal and that's that?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Like alcohol prohibition, "trying" to make marijuana illegal has failed miserably and completely in the US! Legal or not, people are using it! The only people benefiting are criminals, artificially raising prices, and making for an unsafe situation as criminals are becoming wealthier and more empowered. Also, our prisons are full with people who have committed marginal offenses (MJ, prostitution, etc.) because "Conservatives" believe they can legislate morality.

    Alcohol causes many more deaths per year than MJ; if MJ is illegal, alcohol should also be illegal

    (you can't have it both ways, Cons!)

    Legalizing (and TAXING) MJ, just like alcohol, would give much-needed revenue to governments who are in dire need of funds, reduce drug-related criminal activity, and free our prison and court systems for serious criminals.

    If you agree, WRITE YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. If you don't know who they are, use and enter your ZIP.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    One flaw in the legal drug claims is that criminals will continue to sell drugs as they do guns, alcohol, cigarettes and other things.

    The reason people accept the promises made by politicians is because they have been raised and educated into expecting the government and others to provide everything for them.

    This morning I saw where Fox news was asking people if they wanted to pay more taxes for everyone to have medical insurance. The young men they asked were all willing to pay more. The only problem with that is they don't understand that they will soon be giving between 70 - 80% of their paychecks in taxes to cover the costs of all the programs that have been instituted and new ones like Obamacare, Cap and Trade and any other new taxes Congress will pass before the 2010 elections.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    It substitute into made unlawful because of the fact of racism, capital greed, and manipulation. Why could alcohol and cigarettes which kill greater suitable than something in this worldwide be felony and marijuana unlawful? If weed substitute into made felony the next day you should kiss thousands and thousands of jobs so long. law enforcement officers, judges, felony experts, DEA brokers, etc could be decrease just about to a million/2. Marijuana being felony could be White Americas downfall. i will't help yet snicker my *** off at JBs answer. fairly frightening in case you think of roughly how brainwashed human beings particularly are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You mean, the way legal condoms made it so hard for kids to get those?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was hellbent on doing whatever I wanted as a kid. I did all kinds of drugs. I wasnt a bad guy, and it would have been a shame for me to go to jail for it. More people die from falling off cliffs each year than from cocaine overdoses.

  • 1 decade ago

    No...Because then when they become of age we can watch the ambulance scrape their butts off the pavement and or out of a wrecked car....Marijuana is ILLEGAL NOW...let it stay that way..CASE CLOSED

    AND to those foolish enough to use the ..but they are doing it anyway so make it legal arguement.......

    MURDER is illegal but people are "doing it anyway" so by your logic we should make that legal as well....

    Sound OKAY to you...of course not your point is not a valid one

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What have you been smokin'?

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