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Climate change deniers and global warming alarmists I beseech you?
can we just come together and agree that we should something about this
10 Answers
- tehabwaLv 71 decade agoFavourite answer
'Alarmists'? You mean people who accept the findings of SCIENCE? No, I will not lose all sanity and suddenly ignore the problem by pretending it doesn't exist.
Of course I support dealing with the Pacific Garbage Patch. But that problem is NO reason to ignore EVERY OTHER envornmental issue on the planet.
We need to reverse global climate change. That there are other things we should do doesn't change that fact. -- go to the Instant Expert: Climate section.
- NLBNLBLv 61 decade ago
NOPE This is "cosmetic" environmentalism.
Why pick garbage in the Pacific when increased CO2 leads to ocean acidification and slow death of coral reefs?
I am not worried about a bit of trash in the forest. I am more worried about additional 5°C which would get rid of the forest due to aridity/parasites/fires, etc.
- Thorcorn™Lv 71 decade ago
That's not a climate issue it's a pollution issue and yes we should help other countries clean it up.
- PfoLv 71 decade ago
That's really not a climate related issue, although it's an obvious environmental one.
- as.erwinLv 61 decade ago
We could join VHEM, but even with no humans on the earth, the climate would still change!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Vote for me AND i'll block any global warming
- Anonymous1 decade ago
like dump sand on it, plant a few palm trees, and open a resort?