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Do you think it's time we listened to Bill Maher and started...?
$h!t Happens Airlines? With all the bull$h!t, feel good security measures being talked about in the wake of the Underwear Bomber I think it's time we all followed Bill Maher's advice and started an airline where you can show up an hour before your flight, pay cash, limited security screening and none of the other measures that don't really keep us any safer.
So tell me what you think Y!A community, would you fly on an airline where the guy sitting next to you probably had a bomb if you could have a gun?
10 Answers
- Monster BrainLv 41 decade agoFavourite answer
Who does the screening at airports? The govt. Yet again the govt fails and you people want more that is what i do not get.
- x xLv 61 decade ago
Yeah, I'll take my lead from Bill Maher an immoral left wing loon.
He is correct about the "Feel good" measures that do nothing!
- 1 decade ago
Mr. Maher's catatonic depression leads me to believe that condecension is a bad human quality.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I really do not care for that guy. He comes off as a sarcastic i don't give a sh*t about you kind of guy. And seems to show absolutely no respect for those that he disagrees with. And his attitude towards religious people (no matter what the religion) is abhorrent in my opinion.
- Curt JLv 71 decade ago
I think Bill Maher needs to be gagged and stuffed into a closet. On the few occasions I ever watched that so-called "Independent", it was remarkably clear to me that his "Independence" has a remarkably Liberal slant. His panel was a joke and his statements and pronouncements pithy, to say nothing of his foppish mannerisms.
My personal opinion about Mahers latest pearl of wisdom...If he advanced it, RUN!
Source(s): Just my opinion - Anonymous1 decade ago
Hold on, let me back up to the part where you said "Bill Maher"....No.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
no that guy opposed the iraq war
and we all know what a terrific thing that turned out to be
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Not if I wanted to get where I was going.