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What would conservatives be saying...?
about the Underwear Bomber if George Bush were president and a Democrat senator were filibustering his nominee to head the TSA?
13 Answers
- 1 decade ago
You and ru486 should get together!!
George Bush is not the President, obama is and time to stop your liberal crap!!!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I would say the same thing, and did with the shoe bomber. It is unacceptable but he step it up after Richard Reid. Nobama did nothing after fort hood and isn't doing much about this. Airport security is a joke it should not be as easy as it is to get on a plane we need to tighten it up.
- Christopher HLv 41 decade ago
This wouldn't have happened. The Bush senior positions were filled by people who had paid their taxes and were qualified and capable.
- El TecoloteLv 71 decade ago
If Bush had been President, the crotch bomber never would have gotten past airport security and you never would have heard of him.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
They would be calling for a war on panties. Your skippies are either with us or against us.
- Mr. HandsomeLv 61 decade ago
The diaper bomber would never have gotten on that plane if Bush were still president.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
They would be blaming liberals of course.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
"democrats hate America"...or something to that effect.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I would have said, "President Bush, why on earth did it take you 9 months to appoint someone!"