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Should there be a bill to ban omnibus bills?
It seems to often that our representatives are forced to vote in favor of something they don't like because there's enough of what they do like in the same bill. They end up getting attacked for supporting a position they don't even hold because one bill had some clause they didn't like but didn't oppose enough to vote no on the parts they support.
5 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
And... there is a 100% chance that an omnibus bill WILL include something you are opposed to.
- rw113Lv 51 decade ago
In reality, there is, it's called the Constitution and Separation of Powers. It is just not followed by corrupt career politicians.
If you ask me, we need a bill to ban career politicians.
- Laughing ManLv 61 decade ago
You mean like after thirty Senate Republicans voted against a measure to de-fund military contractors who prevent rape victims from seeking justice?
- Anonymous1 decade ago