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Conservatives, why was President Bush's response?
Why was President Bush's response to the Shoe Bomber so praiseworthy but President Obama's response to the Underwear Bomber isn't? The situations are practically identical: incompetent terrorist makes it onto an airplane, fails to detonate his device, is subdued by the passengers, and is handled by the federal justice system.
Is this really just partisanship at its worst?
21 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
What is it about George W. Bush that makes you call him a conservative?
Sorry, your question after the title was lost on me due to excessive partisanship on your part. The "but you did it too" defense isn't worth arguing about.
- wyldfyrLv 71 decade ago
Notice these Obama bashers and Bush apologists just don't get it.The shoe bomber was the same exact thing as the underwear bomber. The DC sniper was pretty similar to the Ft Hood shooter. It's just like the fact that deficit spending was great when it was Bush doing it. Cheney even said that deficit spending was fine. Now all of a sudden anything Obama does is cause for criticism.
- jasonsluck13Lv 61 decade ago
The difference is things have changed since the Shoe Bomber. Mechanisms had been put into place by the Bush administration to keep these kinds of attacks from happening. The CIA interviewed the pantybomber's father in Lagos then turned that information over to the State Department and DHS. Nothing happened and he was not put on a no-fly list EVEN THOUGH IT WAS KNOWN he was a danger..
lawgirl.. I would agree with your statement if it were true. You're right, we cannot prevent every terror attack.. But, you can increase your odds of preventing them if you enforce policies that were created to do just that... Kinda like a Policeman ignoring his training on reading criminal behavior or ignoring a tip on criminal activity. Can't prevent crimes if you don't actively use the tools given to you to stop them.
wyld.. read the above.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
and I don't remember anyone making a big deal out of it... it was just "oh, we caught him and nothing bad happened... yay!"... I don't remember liberals lining the streets asking for Bush's head... liberals didn't even do it for 9-11....
I never even heard the whole shoe bomber story... that's how big of a deal they made out of it... I'm sure there were many warning signs with the shoe bomber too...
that's all the press is talking about with Obama... I've heard the whole story many times already...
- crazy2allLv 61 decade ago
Let's not forget the Underwear bomber boarded the plane in Amsterdam, not the United States.
- 1 decade ago
Not only that, but Bush waited SIX days to even comment on it yet the cons are complaining that Obama didn't address this incident fast enough. They are a bunch of partisan hypocrites.
- 1 decade ago
Stop comparing Bush & Obama there is none. Other than the office they both held Bush could not carry Obama's jock strap
Source(s): How bright can you be when you think Sara should be any more than a P.T.A. mom - BertLv 71 decade ago
Was the U.S. warned by Reid's father and put on the governments terroritst watch list?
Nope. And since the shoe bomber, shouldn't we be more prepared for these sorts of things? We should learn from the past, not use it as an excuse to let it happen again.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Don't forget how people never had a problem when President Bush addressed the incident 6 days later.