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Should I tell the recruiter about...?
A few years ago I got a ticket for possession of marijuana for having some stems in my ashtray. The ticket was classified as a "civil offense" and was issued in a small town in a state I have never lived in. Since I have never even lived in the state, let alone the tiny *** town, where the citation was issued can I get away with not telling the recruiter about it?
7 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
yes tell them, and let them decide if it should even even be mentioned when you process through MEPS.
Source(s): currently serving - Anonymous1 decade ago
No be as honest as possible because if you enlist and they find out about it (everyone going in gets a background check courtesy of the FBI) you can go to prison for fraudulently enlisting. No joke.
- 1 decade ago
Not only will you probably get caught on the lie, there are waivers for prior marijuana use/possesion. So in this case it's best to just tell them.
- jackfoooLv 51 decade ago
thay dont realy care if you got busted thay want to astablish if you hav a use problum
tell,thim thay do a fbi brackround check thay will find it and you will hav lied not a good place to b in
you recuter can pull your record to see if it is thare mite b worth looking to
- 1 decade ago
just be honest. military will do a background investigation on you. i hate for you to complete your basic training and right before you graduate, they found out and kick you out. better to tell them now and deal with the consequences then to join and deal with those consequences. coming from a military member
- Commo!Lv 51 decade ago
I would, they are going to find out anyway.
Background checks.
Source(s): CPL US Army - Anonymous1 decade ago
you have to fill out papers about your history..even if you dont they will find out..if nothing else but for security