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red umbrella silhouette painting?

its basically this person (man/woman ?) standing in the rain with this red umbrella on the ground next to them. i saw this painting in a store but i cant remember where. um, the person and the rain are in black and white but the umbrella is red, and its the only color. i think there's a tree next to the person (also in black and white) could anyone please help me find this? i really want it as an xmas gift!

2 Answers

  • Sport
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    If you scroll through the pages at this site you'll find a lot a black and white pictures of it raining and the only color is the red umbrella. I didn't find one that exactly matches your description, however I might have missed it.

    Good luck in your search!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'd paint the town red with like 20 of them. All my contacts are hot.

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