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What is the exact job description of a Neonatal Nurse?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The first page of this pdf document will help:

    Basically, in sum- its a nurse who works with newborns in there first month of life, they are also qualified to help give birth and work in the nicu unit (newborn infant intensive care unit- mostly for premies) They can also give the apgar score for newborns as well (measuring infant health).

  • mindy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Neonatal registered nurses are nurses who work exclusively with newborns. The occupation of neonatal nurse is a specialization of the occupation of registered nurse (RN.) Many different specializations exist for the occupation of registered nurse. Still, all nurses perform basically the same function. They all care for patients and educate their patients (and patients' families) on current/potential medical conditions according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS),

    To aid patient physicians, nurses perform (and evaluate) tests, analyze the patient's medical history, administer medicine, among providing many other functions. Nurses are predominately found in hospitals, but they are also employed in physician offices, convalescent homes, all levels of government, educational services, and in patients' homes providing home-based care services.

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