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puff pastries asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

What is the cause DQ in Holland Lop?

I know some case that DQ in Holland Lop Show.. like

• -rabbits that have ears that go more than horizontal to their head (ear control

• -malloclusion (bad teeth)

• -white toenails on soild colored rabbits

• -cataracts

• -curable defects (such as hutch burn)

• -absence of a "butterfly," eye circles, or ear color on a broken patterned rabbit

• -split penis

• -white hairs on solid colored rabbits

Other then this...what make DQ in Holland Lop..?

Thank you

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    well there are many disqualifications that a holland lop can have. some DQ's can be your fault too. You could put into a wrong class, tattooed its ear wrong (not visible), etc.

    Broken DQ's- colored toenail, absence of coloring on ears, eye circles, less than 10% pattern.

    solid DQ's- foreign coloring spots, wrong eye color for variety.

    Agouti DQ's- lack of banding, white undercolor on opals

    pointed white DQ-absence of any marking, white spot on colored section, tan pattern markings.

    shaded DQ's- on seal no visible shading, tort with white underbelly.

    there are also general DQ's that any rabbit could have: under or over weight, colds, crooked legs, dewlaps, torn ears, sore hocks, screw tail, etc!

    Source(s): standard of perfection rabbit breeder/shower for 8 years ARBA registered rabbitry!
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