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Have you ever e-filed with form 8379(Injured Spouse) form? If so, what where the results ?

Have you ever e-filed with form 8379 (Injured Spouse) form? If so, what where the results and how long did it take? Where you satisfied with the results?

3 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    no,i have never e-filed a injured spouse form. i have always mailed mine in after i filed my tax return (because then it only takes about 8 weeks to be processed)than if you file it with the tax return it takes about 11-14 weeks to be processed.

    yes,i was very pleased with the results because i always got all of my refund back and including half the rebate last year.please be sure to write "injured spouse" on the top left side of the form before mailing it.

    good luck!!!!!

    Source(s): my experience
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    What is to be questioned is the means of allowing these girls to build their self-esteem, overcome their insecurities and form supportive relationship. Can or could someone be the pioneer. I have seen you Tyra do it on your first show (the girls camp you started in the States) I viewed in Malaysia. Even though it was delayed by months I was enthralled by the possibility of being able to help the girls you intended through your own way. And I'll say it again: "What are the means available for some communities to help these girls?" We are all born with a purpose in this world, talents, ideas, strengths and weaknesses. The media does terrible damage to young impressionable minds. However, I have noticed recently that there are more ads and more idols being marketed that are not the supermodel thin type. Which is a good start but we need even more diversity in that aspect. The problem with the media is that they don't let people see the reality only the finished product .. these so called models have flaws just like everyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    We did last year. We filed taxes last year and then sent in the 8379 on May 12th. We finally received the refund the first week of September. We were very happy with the amount received, but the time it took and the runaround made us weary. It is a great service, I am fighting about my student loan because it has been paid but they are still showing an outstanding amount. Still this year it isn't resolved, hopefully by next year it will be. This year we filed the 8379 electronically with our return so here is hoping that it will be much quicker.

    Source(s): Personal experience
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