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Womens one a day, have anyone tried it? ?

Have anyone tried the Women one a day multivitamin? I bought some last night because I know I need to take some vitamins but I am wondering will it really give me enegery. I took one for the first time today.


This women's one a day says "with energy support" for active mind and body.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    yes i used to take it... its good, gives you strong bones etc.... good luck enjoy

  • 1 decade ago

    To be honest with you, you are better off taking no vitamins than over the counter vitamins. You are better off taking Shaklee vitamins than taking no vitamins. Go to , click on Redefining Vitality. There are three different packs, choose the one best for you. Read about the S.M.A.R.T Delivery System. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. The Shaklee vitamins have time release, so they are released in your body at the right time where they will be absorbed/used the most. Over the counter vitamins don't have that and they are released at the wrong time. This does nothing for your health, it simply passes through your body. Shaklee vitamins do give you energy and it's amazing. I take them everyday. They help you so much, I haven't been sick for a long time. Check it out!

    Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I take woman's one-a-day. They do not really give me energy, but they help me feel... a little stronger, almost. Like I can persevere a bit more. If you want energy, there are also one-a-day energy vitamins [in the green package; woman's are in orange.] I do not like the green ones much, but those are the kind my boyfriend takes and they help him.

    Source(s): self
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I take them.

    Vitamins are good for you if you need them. As for energy, they could or couldn't. It depends on your body's needs.

    Source(s): Have been taking Women's One A Day for two years.
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