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puff pastries asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

Show Rabbit...what the price?

Sorry.... i just wanna know.. what did the winner get... when they got BRIS... in rabbit show..?

Because here in my place.. we dont have rabbit show...?

So.. what is the prize?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    When you say BRIS I assume you mean best reserve in show.

    Which would be best 4 or 6 class.

    That is almost the best you can get at a rabbit show. It is one step below BIS (best is show).

    Prizes are different at different shows. You could get money, a plaque, a trophy, or some kind of art trinket. You don't get much money for winning.

    The most I got for getting BIS was $30.

    As for price of show rabbits (netherland dwarfs anyway) definitely depending on quality could range anywhere from $50-$400. There are exceptions of course.

    Source(s): netherland dwarf breeder and exhibitor
  • 1 decade ago

    At our fair, which is where I show my 14, I won Grand Champ one year which is the same as Best Rabbit in Show (BRIS). We don't get any extra prize money... just a big pretty ribbon! We only get the prize money for 1st place, a whole $4! So you can see we aren't the biggest rabbit show around, but I here that the other BIG fairs around give about $100 for Grand Champ. Others like to sell their Grand Champs for like upwards of $50, which is ridiculous!

    Hope I awnsered your question!

    Source(s): 14 show rabbits, been showing for 4 years
  • 1 decade ago

    my sister sold her 1st place,on the front of an Easter card in 2007, for $50.00 each and she had 7 of them... but the other night we were looking at show rabbits and they were 100.00 and up! that is a little too expensive but it all depend on what type of rabbit you have... my sister had a mini rex.

    Source(s): me and my sister
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