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Help my lips are swollen with a rash....?

I woke up this morning and my lips are swollen. Kind of numb in certain areas and there are small bumps on my top lip. My bottom lip is really red. Any advice?

I took some diphenhydramine hydrocholaride (benadryl) this morning. I am going to the emergency room. I don't have any pain at all, they are not sore or itchy just big.

I felt a burning sensation yesterday but I don't know what happen. I was out in the country and I don't think anything bit me as far as I know. I didn't eat anything unusual but I am REALLY concerned. There is no way I could go to work today looking this bad.


i don't have any other symptoms. just swollen lips and i just notice a rash on my top lip. my bottom lip is reddish and, it burns off and on. I am thinking it is a allergic reaction. i am going to take benadryl and go to the emergency room after my husband gets back. hopefully the benadryl will take effect and i won't have to go.

Update 2:

Didn't touch any wildlife, plants or flowers. I was at my dad's church. I did eat, they had refreshments. A little bit of everything. So, it could have been something I ate.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    did you touch any wildlife like trees, plants, flowers, or maybe Animals [wild, farm, or pets] ... if it is a rash maybe try benadryl or Carmex lip balm its great on rashes and pimples..on the face... did the benadryl work.. i hope you are okay....... i would go to your doctors not the ER it's so expensive.......

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Swollen Lips And Rash

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Rash On Lips And Face

  • 1 decade ago

    I woke up with the same symptoms, including a terrible rash on the palms of my hands.

    I was recently diagnosed with Lupus and I think this latest development might be part of it. Tungue is kind of burning and it's white. Lips are swollen. Looks like I had a botox injection, LOL. Lupus is an autoimmune disease and really hard to diagnose, but with the right doctor and blood tests, it can be diagnosed.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There is a possibility that he's allergic to the chlorine used to kill the bacteria in the pool water. Try getting him to swim in water that isn't chlorinated, for example the sea, and see whether that is a contributing factor. Some pools also use hydrogen peroxide. My friend is allergic to this, and had a similar rash to the one you described. It's possible that he's allergic to that, too. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to get the doctor to test the two substances on your son for allergies. I hope he's alright! Good luck, I hope I've helped.

  • that has happened to me many times and everytime it was a food allergy. the dr is most likely gonna give u a shot in ur hiney lol to make the swelling go down sooner and advise you to contiune taking benadryl

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like food allergy. It happened to me few times. Took me a while to realise it was allergic reaction to home made honey.

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