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puff pastries asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

My bunny not eating.. what can I do?

My Doe is about 7 month old..

She not eating. Even if she's to little now she loose weight already

what can i do.. to made her eat more and put on weight ?

8 Answers

  • Tina
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Rabbits dont get hairballs, the pineapple thing proved useless over twenty years ago.

    Now rabbits are prone to GI stasis, so you need to get her to a rabbit vet asap.

    From there they can take x-rays to see if she ate something she shouldnt have to have caused an intestinal blockage or see if she is sick.

    They should work a not eating and drinking rabbit in immediately.

    If you cant get her to the vet ask about syringing her some baby food, such as carrots. That should keep her little system working until you can get to the vet.

    There is an article here on GI Stasis:

    Source(s): 4 house rabbits
  • 1 decade ago

    You can try bananas however be careful they will die if they get too much. I would try oatmeal (non-cooked not 1 minute). I don't know how often you feed hr but depending on her breed she should be getting food once a day (at night) and a handful of hay in the morning. Make sure she is going to the bathroom and drinking. My rabbits get one chocolate covered pretzle once a week so maybe giving her one might get her eating again. Make sure she doesn't get too much sweets however (this means fruit and chocolate and stuff). Maybe you could tempt her into eating by picking some clover for her

    Good Luck I hope she eats soon

    Source(s): I am a rabbit breeder
  • 1 decade ago

    If she's not eating there may be something wrong. If you cannot get her to a vet then I would suggest syringe feeding. Try to mash down some of her pellets in a little bit of water and put in a syringe and give to her. The longer she goes without eating the less energy she will have so please try to get some food in her. And definitely call a vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Rabbits DO get hairballs...If you notice her pooping less and eating less then normal or if you notice hair in her poop then it is hairballs which is deadly for a rabbit since they can't puke. If this is the case, fresh pineapple and a rabbit lax will help.

    2. GI Stasis is a silent killer in rabbits. The GI Track shuts down and she will quickly die. Make sure she is drinking lots of water and take her to the vet asap!!

    Source(s): Rabbit Owner 6 Years
  • 1 decade ago

    she might have intestinal blockage caused by a hair ball. rabbits cant throw up so when they get a hair ball it just sits in their stomachs...the best thing you can do is to hand feed her pineapple tidbits and put a little bit of pineapple juice in her water rabbit love pineapple and it has a slightly high acidic level so it just dissolves the hair ball but is totally safe for your rabbit. check her stool for clumping. if she has a bad hair ball her poop will be strung together with hair

    Source(s): owner/ breeder of 5 rabbits ffa member agriculture student
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    check her teeth. sometimes their teeth can grow too long and then they cant eat or drink. it happened to one of friends. she ended up haveing to feed it through a syringe. it died like a week later., but yours shouldnt die because you caught it early. if her teeth do need to be clipped, clip the with wire cutters or take her to the vet.

    Source(s): i have ten rabbits. i have had rabbits for 4 years. Good luck!
  • 1 decade ago

    Try bannanas or strawberries! Mine love them!

  • Please, rather call your vet tomorrow and check for sure....

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