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America's Next Top Model this week?

Who won the photo shoot this week and who was sent home? I recorded it on my DVR and it ran out of space at the very end.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Analeigh won the photo shoot. She's a pretty brunette that the judges compared to Angelina Jolie. Lauren was the first one to receive her photo and she was told that her picture was possibly one of the best photos in ANTM history which was quite a compliment. She's my favorite. She's a really pretty long haired blond (not the full figured one). Nikeysha went home. I think it was because she talked way too much (almost like she was on drugs!) and was way too skinny (her backbones poked out horribly). I think she was either has aneroxia or she did have a drug problem. They almost got rid of Isis! It was between Isis (the transgeneder) and Nikeysha! Isis took a horrible picture (her face looked very ugly) and she looked bad at the judging. I think the hormonal shots she's taking are making her sick and very tired looking. They will re-run the show Sunday night and I believe you can watch the full episode on CW's website.

    Source(s): ANTM FAN!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Elina won and Nikeysha was sent home. You REALLY need to see the ending where Nikeysha continues to talk without end. She even talks throughout the credits! It's down right hilarious! XD

  • shelby
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You have two answers to who won....just wanted to confirm, it was Elina

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