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puff pastries asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

What about HAY?? Timothy or Alfalfa?

OK. I'm buying both hay for my bunny rabbit. I have 3 doe that 6 month+ and 2 lop bunny 3 month+. People said Alfalfa is good for growing bunny. And went the bunny getting older, give them Timothy. But my bunny.. the young ones love the Timothy and the older love the alfalfa. Can i just stick to one hay. Either Timothy or Alfalfa. What the breeder give to their bunny..??? and Breeder gere

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Rabbits should only be fed a grass hay(timothy) not a legume(alfalfa) hay. When combined with the pellets alfalfa has too much protein. This can damage their kidneys.

    Stick to timothy and forget the alfalfa.

    Most serious breeders only feed a good rabbit pellet to their rabbits. This is a complete feed and so they do not need anything else.

    I feed hay during molting time to keep the fur from building up in their digestive tract.

    Source(s): Breeder of show, pet and mat rabbits for 16 years ARBA member 14 years 4H advsior 10 years
  • BCP
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You can give them either but yeah don't overload with the alfalfa and you ought to stop it when they get older. When we adopted a rabbit we were told not to give her anymore alfalfa because that was all she had before because she came from a hoarder and wasn't getting proper care. We give her timothy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    timothy hay definatley . alfalfa hay is like a sugar to them it is not good for them

  • If they're outside bunnies you can give them alfalfa. But if they are indoors, give them timothy.

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