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Friends only personal ads?

I have social anxiety disorder and have a hard time making friends, usually. I have been living in the same area for about 3 years and do not have any friends other than my fiance. I am friendly with people at work, but do not spend time with anyone outside of work other than my fiance. I would like to make some friends and was thinking of personal ads. I have experience with online dating and if I could meet someone in maybe a personal ad type format who is looking for a friend too (in the same area) I think that would work well for me. I posted an ad on craigslist but if anyone knows of some platonic personal ad websites I would appreciate it.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Better to find a forum or community website surrounding one of your personal interests and try to contribute to it. I have made a good real-world friend this way.

    You could also search for people with your interests on myspace or facebook, both of which allow you to find people in your local area. Be upfront about your motives and have an honest, open profile. This option allows you control over who you want to meet, rather than being approached by strangers.

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