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puff pastries asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

defferent between Angora Lop and Holland Lop..?? confuse

Ok.. I'm confuse... what the different between both rabbit breed.

I'm Love Holland Lop.. going to buy soon..

But yesterday I made a deal to buy Angora Lop... super cutes.

But still... I can't see the different between both..

Anyone.. help me..


The angora loop.. I made deal with is.. about 2 month old....

P/S :Love to paste photos here.. but dunno how... hehe..

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The only angora breeds are the satin, English, French or giant angora... I've never heard of an angora lop. But I'm wondering if what you're looking at is an American Fuzzy Lop, which does have angora genetics in it, and is a recognized and registered breed.

    We breed fuzzies, which come from crossing a Holland to an English Spot, then crossing that offspring back to an Angora. Perhaps the person who is selling the "angora lop" actually has fuzzies?

    If this is what you're looking at, they are a terrific breed (and our favorite, obviously). Fuzzies have the same docile personality, compact size and calm temperament that Hollands have, but they do have higher maintenance wool. If this is what you're getting, be prepared to groom weekly, as they do tend to mat and need brushing.

    An unregistered, pet quality fuzzy should not sell for more than $20-25, so without a pedigree, don't pay more than that. However, even a pet quality Angora will sell for more. So before you buy, make sure you know what you're getting!

    Source(s): fuzzy lop breeder
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Holland Lop is the smallest lop-eared rabbit breed recognized by the American Rabbit Breeder's Association (ARBA). Their show weight is 2-4 lbs., and they are known for their "massive" look in a small body. Hollands have big, wide heads and tiny lop ears, and their bodies are to be short and stocky.

    An Angora Lop is not a recognized breed. It would be a mixed breed between an Angora and a lop-eared rabbit. I am not positive as to whether the Angora wool is dominant or recessive, but it may be possible that it is recessive and the baby Angora Lops would have regular fur. If the Angora was mixed with a Holland Lop and the babies are the size of a Holland, with normal fur (not Angora wool), this may be why they appear to be the same thing.

    Hope this helps!

    Source(s): I raise and show Holland Lops. =)
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Jersey wollies and angoras need alot of grooming, they need to be brushed out at least once every two days. Also angoras are a wool animal so they need to be sheared during the Summer. I don't really see these two breeds as pets, they are too difficult for pet homes, they are more breeding and show rabbits or in the case of the angora, someone who will use the wool. Holland lops and mini lops are usually friendly, all lops seem to be quite placid. People often think because of the name mini lop that they will be quite small but in actual fact they are bigger then a holland lop, people need to be careful about that. This rabbits make better pets then JW and angoras.

  • 1 decade ago

    Angora lops generally have MUCH longer hair.. type in Angora Lop or Angora rabbit on yahoo images and take a peek! Holland lops have regular sized bunny hair.. If your angora lop doesn't have very long hair yet, then it is either very young or it may be a mix..or someone doesn't know what breed the rabbit is.

    Source(s): Mom to a holland lop and a mini lop !
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    American Lop Eared Rabbits

  • 1 decade ago

    Holland Lops have short fur and lopped ears. Angora Lops have very long, high maintenance fur that never stops growing and lopped ears. Both make great pets and have equally nice temperments.

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