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What's worse?

I just made a donation to a food bank yesterday. I always make a point to give to food banks ever since I was in high school. The story is my high school was having a food drive and everyone was asked to bring donations into their homeroom. Well, the day before the deadline, my homeroom teacher talked about how bad it looked that none of us had given any food to the drive and begged us to bring something the next day. The next morning, I was the ONLY one in my homeroom to bring ANYTHING and what I brought was a single small can of green chiles. My family was poor while I was growing up and it was the only thing that I could find to bring. Then my homeroom teacher complained about the only thing we brought was a can of green chiles.

ANYWAY--What would have looked worse? No one in my class of 30 or so students bringing anything? Or did my single item (not even an in demand item) look worse?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    no. I think you did the right thing. Probably, your homeroom teacher is disapponted because no one brought anything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the fact that nobody brought anything. atleast you tried, your teacher should have pulled out the stick out of her a**.

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