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Is this lotion vegan?

Hey there. I jsut recently returned from the allergist. I suffer from eczema and have been "prescribed" Vanicream lotion to assist in the dry skin recovery. I cannot find any info on whther or not its vegan. It contains ingredients which can be from vegetable source or animal source.

Is there anyone out there that can verify this for me ?

(btw I know I can "look up" the ingredients. However, doing so did not really verify anything for me")

Again, that lotion is Vanicream. Thank you! :)

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Regardless of the ingredients, it's probably not vegan because of animal testing.

    But, if you are only concerned about the ingredients...the cetearyl alcohol and ceteareth-20 are most likely derived from coconuts because whale fat isn't widely used for this ingredient anymore.

    The ones that are concerning are the propylene glycol, glyceryl monostearate, and polyethylene glycol monostearate. Most likely these ingredients are animal derived but the only way to be sure is to ask the company.

    Here you can contact them: 1-800-325-8232

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Vegan Lotion

  • 1 decade ago

    Contact the manufacturer.

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