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Ear Infection?
My right ear has been feeling stuffy for the last week ...several times when I cleaned it with a q-tip (yes yes i know bad for my ears) there has been black stuff on the qtip..i thought it was really strange but i wasn't in any pain. Tonight after putting in ear drops a pretty large black slimy thing ..(for lack of a better way of putting it) came out of my ear. WTH could it be?? Im kinda freaking out. Any way I was wondering if it could be connected to the fact that i have 11 abscessed teeth at the moment that desperately need pulled. Has anyone ever heard of something like this?
Thank you ..Ive been on antibiotics for 4 straight months now (not really helping :( ) What ever came out of my ear was not ear wax was more like a membrane or something ..very strange ..but yes i am thinking about going to the ER tomorrow to have it checked (going to the doctor is a luxury i cant afford)
1 Answer
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
You need to get to the doctor for possible cerumen removal. This may be wax or even infection. Nevertheless you need to get this looked at. Cerumen(ear wax) removal is a procedure done at a doctor's appointment in the office. It is a painless procedure. I have performed many of these procedures. If this is an infection, you need to get on antibiotics.