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Have you Played the game WestWard 2?

If so ..I could use some in the underground cave part where they are stealing my gold. I have found the hidden gold. I have brought the guy back his horse. But i cant seem to finish the last task, which is to figure out where our gold is going. My hero has a ! above her head but when i click it just says Okay...I cant seem to find a walk through for this game if you have one ..or know what im supposed to do next ..please answer :)

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer


    Had the same problem :). Just restart the game and everything should be OK!

  • 1 decade ago

    Had the same problem, The last thing I did before giving up and accepting the return to town was that I blew up the rocks at the end of tracks. After that I still had the same message, but when I went back to town it told me I had completed the quest. Hope that helps.

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