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Will the sun grow cold and die?

I recently noticed someone stating that the sun will not grow cold, well, actually it will! Suns are stars and stars die, eventually our sun will start taking a redish hue (also know to astronomers as a arrogant star because of it's gorgeous red color) and will eventually die out leaving the earth cold and dark, and everything killing all forms of life, HOWEVER out sun is a young star and chances are we will be long gone when it actually burns out.

Anyone worried?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    It's more accurate to say the Sun will die and grow cold. It will grow gradually hotter, becoming about 25% more intense than it is today, before turning into a red giant. In that phase, though the surface will be cooler, it will be putting out much more energy, boiling away Earth's oceans (if it still has any) . It will also grow huge, expanding perhaps far enough to engulf Earth. As a red giant it will lose its outer layer, until only a tiny, hot core is left. Somewhere around that point, its fusion reaction will finally die out, and it will collapse into a white dwarf.

    Young white dwarfs are so hot they radiate largely in the ultraviolet, which will cause the dead Sun's discarded outer layer to fluoresce, forming a planetary nebula. If you were to return to Earth then, you would see a tiny star too bright to look at, but because it is so tiny, the white dwarf Sun will supply very little heat or light. So at that point, yes, Earth will be cold and dark. The white dwarf will cool very slowly, continuing to glow for many billions of years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "...sun will start taking a redish hue (also know to astronomers as a arrogant star because of it's gorgeous red color)..."

    Wrong! At the stage you describe it will be known as a red giant.

    "...will eventually die out leaving the earth cold and dark, and everything killing all forms of life..."

    Wrong again. When the sun swells into its red giant stage it will come very close to consuming Earth completely. All life will end during this red giant phase.

    The sun's final condition will be its white dwarf star phase with a temperature a very long way from "cold." Astronomers estimate that white dwarf stars will continue to last virtually forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    the sun going cold it might do but not yet, seeming its been round for about 13 billion years it would probably burn out in another 7 billion years. By the time the sun had burnt out i think that the human race would of discovered other galaxies in which to travel to and live or maybe another huge star forms in our solar system but possibly not as big as the sun. Apparently if a sun has a slight redish color it is possible that our solar system is expanding and growing larger.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our sun will remain essentially as it is now for another 5 billion years... The earth will most likely die when our sun enters the Red Giant phase... Then it will be a white dwarf... After that, it will be a burned-out cold core, but we're talking billions of years from now - so no - I'm not worried...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes we will be long gone, personally I would not be to worried!! But rumor has it the the sun had a life of 12 thousand million years and it it half way through it's life (a little like me ) but in my 50 years on this planat we have destroyed it! whats the future???? someone tell me and don't bark on about Hydrogen cars and bloddy windmills cause thats not the answer for my kids and their kids and so on!! This is an extreamely important subget! some good answers please??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, the sun won't burn out before becoming a red giant and expanding and becoming really hot. It will expand out and burn up mercury and venus and possibly earth. But even if it doesn't burn up the earth the extreme heat will dry it up. Then the sund gets really small and blows up(supernova).

  • Irv S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Eventually, yes.

    But it'll get a lot larger first when it starts fusing

    Helium instead of Hydrogen.

    There will be ups and downs in total output,

    some quite dramatic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    it will grow red and then will shink into a white dwarf, THEN, will go cold and die (a cold carbon-oxigen dead star)

    it will take longer that life

  • 1 decade ago

    not my generation! wooo! unfortunetly for the later ones you are correct and the sun will runs out of gases and implode just like any other star. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes ... I am worried.

    What will be the fate of our dearest Y/A after five billion years .... even if Microsoft takes over Yahoo ..!!

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