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SONY or OLYMPUS digital camera?

Which is better fotos quality, value for money, handy to use, extra special ??

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer


    - because i think it sells more than olympus, that means more support available online, more customer services available for repairs

    - but if you are looking for cheaper kind, go for olympus, because they are the one competing in sony's market

    - if you are looking for value with good features, go for 2 models below the latest of sony's cybershot camera. the one with touchscreen feature really comes handy than the one without the touchscreen but with more megapixels - so, between the 2, i'd go with touchscreen feature.

    - if you are talking about dslr, i go with canon. because i have a canon dslr. it is just more convenient to use a smaller camera like a cybershot, which i also have.

  • 1 decade ago

    Olympus is a brand I would never buy. It's one of the worst compact camera brands, especially in regards to image quality and performance. It uses xD memory cards, which are very slow compared to SD.

    First look at Canon (my pick) and then Sony (compact digital cameras).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Canon is better than both, in fact canon produce best overall camera in all of the lines up. Score both high review from consumer, expert and me too. Just go to amazon, almost half of top 50 best selling camera are from canon.

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    canon,then sony or nikon,last olympus

  • 1 decade ago


    it worth for your money...around rm500 you can get a better one

    just believe in me..

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