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Rude Service person?

Hi guys maybe someone can give me some ideas,

Today we had some work done in our home (electrical) and the individual that came to do the work (sent by a well known service company) was extremely rude and disrespectful using foul language in front of my young children, even spitting on our floor, it got so bad that I seriously considered throwing him out! We never had such an experience before and don't know how to complain about it, a friend told me to complain to the Better Business Bureau and maybe the company manager how can I voice my opinion to the head of the company (out of state), I want to sound good, any wording ideas?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Wow, call the company immediately, they need to know the type of person that is representing them. Just explain everything that happened and tell them you will never use their service again!

  • 1 decade ago

    Try contacting the main office of the service department first before you call the BBB. If you do not get the response you are looking for, then you may take that route without getting the rolling eyes treatment from the BBB...

  • 1 decade ago

    first of about the deer thingy, ur a hippie, the only poor person was the guy in the car! i hope ur motor breaks,

    second, u need to call the company, he spit on ur floor?!?!?!?!?! geez, i would have kick him in the nuts and threw him out....

  • jwood
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i would have sent him away right away...then called the company and demanded any earnest money back..then called the bbb...your money spends anywhere..

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