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MS Word meee! :)?
When I installed my Windows XP it was set to a different language other than English (dont ask lol). I have changed all settings to English now ..and everything appears normal except one thing that is constantly bugging me.
My MS Word v2002 is set to right to left typing. The cursor starts at the right hand side every time ...and for the life of me i cant figure out how to change it to normal english formating.
My MS Word has never done this before when I've installed it so I assume its because the original format of xp was arabic or something? Any ideas on how to change it ?
I figured it out ...I had to go into Microsoft Office Tools ..then Microsoft Office Xp Language Settings ..from there ..I removed all but English and Viola ! I am now typing left to right ..thank god!
2 Answers
- JoopaloopLv 61 decade agoFavourite answer
This is just a stab in the dark, but can't you change the template and set it to the correct alignment?
I'm not sure if you mean that when you Align "left" it actually reads that as aligning to the right.
But you can try changing the file.
The normal.doc template can be found using this link (the one I've sourced)
(IMPORTANT: Stop at step 12!!! The rest is for some other problem, I just wanted to show you how to actually find the file.)
Basically, whatever you change in the file changes what happens every time you open Word.
So open it up and set the aligning to the leftt and hit save. Close it and re-open Word and it SHOULD work. If not, I'm really sorry!
- bejcekLv 45 years ago
we've notepad put in in residing house windows; besides the fact that, MS be conscious is a separate software. you need to use notepad whether you haven't any longer have been given MS be conscious. that's a less complicated style of writing with out the frills