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1988 Pontiac Grandam - Wont Start - Wiring Issue?

Ok here is what is happening..well besides the car not ..i have noticed the last few days that if i went over a big bump or something the battery light would come on.

Now the car will not start at all clicks or anything.

The Battery is new

If i jiggle the wires that are going from the alternator to the starter (i think ..maybe to the battery ..dont know for sure) the Head lights (if i leave them on to test if im getting power) will flicker brightly.

Could it be a short ..can i replace these wires(they look extremely worn and old ..i mean the car is really old)? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    It could definately be a short. I would check the connections to the battery first, and work backwards from there. A garage should be able to replace your wires pretty easily. I would first check right at the terminals that go to the battery.

  • 1 decade ago

    On the GM vehicles (in that age range), they tie everything to the starter's positive terminal.

    So, the answer to the universe, life, and everything is.......the loose/burnt connections at the starter's positive terminal.

    Not a short, but an open circuit.

    Source(s): certified master mechanic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok, I can definitely tell you that you do have a short there, but I do not work on cars - so the best I could recommend is to take it to a mechanic

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