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nursekuba asked in Games & RecreationToys · 1 decade ago

Chain stores with Easy Bake Oven?

I live in Phoenix, AZ and I got an Angel from an Angel Tree (a wish for a needy child) and it's for an Easy Bake Oven. I just got it yesterday. The gift is due by Dec 18 (no time for internet shopping). The Wal-mart I was at today is out of them. I can visit other Wal-marts, but I was wondering what other big chain stores might have them? I did look on a lot of chains websites to see if there were any listed on the website on the assumption that the stores would have the items if they were on the website, but Target, K mart, Sears and Kohl's don't have them on the website. I have to work 8-5 Mon-Fri and I don't want to be out all night looking tomorrow.


I looked at the recall info and it looks like new ones have come out that don't have the problems anymore that caused the recall.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    kay bee toy stores., toys are us, and walmart is open all night

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try Toy's R Us because they would have quantities that other stores wouldn't havethe room for. Ebay probably has some and I've seen brand new ones on as well.

    Source(s): Grandma
  • 1 decade ago

    well really no stores will have them because there was a recall on them because kids were burning there hands inside the oven.

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