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Carpal Tunnel surgery a second time?

I have a history of pretty severe carpal tunnel syndrome and had the surgery done for it in 2002. Well, earlier this year I started having pretty mild symptoms of it again. I asked my doctor about it and she referred me to a neurological clinic and they tested me for it and it is indeed back. At the time (in the spring of 2007) it was pretty mild and they said I probably didn't need surgery again, but suggested I might consider a cortisone shot. I never got the shot. It's gotten worse lately and I think i need it evaluated again. There's a place here in Phoenix that has a new procedure for carpal tunnel surgery that has a lot shorter recovery time and I'm considering seeing them. I don't know if you can have carpal tunnel surgery repeated, but I think it's worth checking out. Anyone else had this condition come back after surgery?

5 Answers

  • alpla
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    It's done endoscopically ( small incision); however with the scarring you must already have from the first, I'd go with cortisone shots and or physical therapy.

    CTS has tendency to return if you keep doing what caused it the first time (eg: typing too much,etc..).

    Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well, first, you need a new doctor. In fact, you needed a new doctor for you second surgery. An honest doctor. Hard to find. Surgery for carpal tunnel is often unsuccessful. Did your doctor explain this to you? Before your surgery? Did he do your second surgery free? Should have, since he messed up the first one. Oh, I forgot. That would have been admitting he messed it up. Can't do that, can we. Sorry to be so cynical. I know you're in pain. Hope somehow it will work out ok for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know anyone who has had a repeat of the procedure, but one of my dental hygiene colleagues had the new procedure done last summer and was back at work in two weeks. She was (and is still) completely pain-free at that time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Surgery is a quick fix. Professional accupunture therapy will help rid the pain and prevent it from recurring.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'm really not brainy i dont even have a clue about that

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