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nursekuba asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

Pain with IUD removal (no strings!)?

I have had a standard copper T iud for 2 1/2 years. I have been considering having it taken out for a while and a few months ago my PCP was going to take it out for me, but the strings were almost completely gone (there is a small fragment of one, but not enough to grip and pull it out). She referred me to a gynecologist for an IUD removal, but I never went to have it done. Fast forwarding to this past weekend, I went to an urgent care for vaginal drainage, thinking I had a case of bacterial vaginosis. Well, the doctor there looked inside of me and saw not only vaginal drainage but pus coming out of my cervix (YUK!). She put me on 2 different antibiotics, but said if the cultures she took come back positive, chances are the IUD will have to come out. Well, I have an appt on next Monday for IUD removal, but I'm afraid it will be really painful in part because I haven't had children before. I know how they remove it without the strings, but it sounds really unpleasant.

2 Answers

  • sokokl
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Call the doctor's office today to ask if you can take something for pain about an hour or two before the actual appt to make the removal not so painful for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well i dont know much about all this things but one thing is its all gonna be ok have faith in ur self. and soon u'll have a cute lil baby in ur hands............................................ i'll pray to god for u................. chow............................................................

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