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Fallon, NV?

I'm looking at starting travel nursing again soon. I am doing a phone interview tomorrow for a job at Banner Churchill in Fallon, NV. Fallon is a small town fairly near Carson City and Reno. Is anyone familiar with the climate there (winter weather?) and the town? I live in Phoenix now. My goal is to eventually move back to the East Coast (where I'm originally from), but I need to stay in the Southwest for a while yet.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    What a wonder the small town of Fallon is. Winter is wonderful with snow that last sometimes until noon. Summers are nice and cool compared to Arizona. It's down in the valley and it's very comfortable here. The housing market skyrocketed there for a few years now it's getting back down to normal. As far as nice stores go there are nice mom and pop shops everywhere as well as a Super Wall-Mart, Starbucks , Safeway, Raley's, Walgreen, Rite-Aide, Burger King, McD's, KFC, Etc...

    Fallon is a small town on the out skirts of a growing area. Fernley, Reno, Carson, are between us and the Desert. Yosemite and Mammoth are only 3 hr.s away if you like skiing. If you like the desert there is a vast amount for you to explore. People drive to Fallon from California every weekend to go to sand mountain to ride on the sand dunes. There is no state tax and I think you just might like it here.

  • 1 decade ago

    then go there

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