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How do I change it so my full name doesnt appear as my screen name?

My boyfriend and I have both recently been harassed by a troll on the y!a forums here. This said troll got my boyfriend's name off his yahoo messenger id, and used it to get information about him. (slightly off dont you think?) my question is how do you change it so your full name doesnt appear as your id? Both of ours show our full name when we type on yahoo messenger, and I can't find anywhere to change it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Ok well I figured it out on my own, so anyone else who wants to know, go to this link:

sign in, scroll down to adress/contact information and edit your first and last name to whatever you want your id to have to fill in both fields in order for it to work. I cant believe in took me over a year to figure that one out.. :(

Update 2:

Heres the page that helped me figure it out :!_Messenger_version_8...

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I talked to veganconscript today on messenger,that endive guy is crazy,lol.

    Source(s): Conscientious vegan
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Ailish jogs my memory of somebody with an particularly hick accessory attempting to pronounce "eyelash". in case you prefer an unsightly call, you found it. P.S. in case you like a acceptance that each and every physique people dislikes, how approximately Mildred Hortense. i think of of those are the two worst lady names i've got have been given ever heard. Mildred looks like mold and Hortense looks like whore-annoying. Yuck!

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