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Why does my profile take people to the Malaysia Y!A?

Someone pointed out to me that my profile is under Malaysia Y!A site. I seem to be a top contributer under the v&v section there as well. Why would that be and how can I fix it? I love in Arizona, USA. :)


*live, i guess i love there too.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    V&P told me about this, but when I click on you kittie cats, I don't seem to go to Malaysia. Also, when I do click on Malaysia, you are not on the top 10; did you fix it?

    Anyway, maybe when you set up your account you went too quickly and clicked on the Malaysia flag because it looks similar to the US flag. You should stay there in theory though because then you can be the Queen of Malaysian Veganism!


    Check your profile info and see where Yahoo believes you live. Maybe you can fix it there?

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably for the same reason that your start date is in German or Spanish or French

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Looks like you are in the USA to me...

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